Stellarium  HEAD
core Directory Reference



file  GeomMath.hpp
 This header contains useful classes for common geometric operations that are useful for 3D rendering, such as AABB, and other vector math helpers.
file  StelLocationMgr_p.hpp
 StelLocationMgr private implementation details Just contains GPS lookup helpers for now.
file  StelObjectType.hpp
 Define the StelObjectP type.
file  StelProjectorType.hpp
 Define the StelProjectorP type.
file  StelSkyLayerMgr.hpp
 Define the classes needed for managing layers of sky elements display.
file  StelSphereGeometry.hpp
 Define all SphericalGeometry primitives as well as the SphericalRegionP type.
file  StelTextureTypes.hpp
 Define the StelTextureSP type.
file  StelTranslator.hpp
 Define some translation macros.